How Day Unfolds on the Playas
Each morning after the sun lights the sands,
young men who work the tourist-only beach
begin their job of hauling out of night storage
the white plastic chairs, matching tables,
large green parasols to shade the mostly white
sun-bathers from omnipotent sun. They set
everything out on the manicured sand for tourists
to loll away their day according to their desires.
Before sundown, these same young workers will
begin the process of undoing, of deconstruction.
One by one, two by two, they stack and hoist
and tote all the paraphernalia away from the sand,
back into the security of the night storage shed.
This Sisyphusan task must and will be repeated,
day after day; it is the bloodstream that feeds
daily life on the groomed sand of the Playas.